Total War: WARHAMMER The King the Warlord

Total War: WARHAMMER The King the Warlord
Brand: Sega
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Total War: WARHAMMER The King & The WarlordThe King & The Warlord is the second Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Greenkins and The Dwarfs, it introduces famous rival characters, new iconic units and new battle maps from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your Grand Campaigns and Custom/Multiplayer battles.Two new Legendary Lords……with new quest chains, magic items and skill treesTwo new additional Lord typesSix all-new battlefield units22 all-new elite Regiments of RenownThe time is nigh for Clan Angrund to reclaim Karak Eight Peaks from the Grobi despoilers! Belegar Ironhammer, clan leader and direct descendant of King Lunn, the last Dwarf to rule the ancestral hold, has inherited a bitter legacy of hatred and resentment. Even now he marshals his throng, making ready to strike out from Karak Izor. With the spirits of his fabled ancestors returned to fight by his side, Belegar will see his oaths fulfilled, and pass into legend himself.Meanwhile Skarsnik, the self-proclaimed Night-Goblin warlord of Karak Eight Peaks, has taken leave of the hold. On a squig-hunting excursion in the Grey Mountains east of Brettonia, he operates from his base at Karak Azgaraz when word reaches him of Belagar’s intent. Worse still, the tricksy Goblins minding Karak Eight Peaks have taken the hold in defiance of Skarsnik’s iron will. Intolerable, sneaky, mutinous gits! Two legends, then: both hell-bent on claiming the ancient Dwarf-Hold for themselves. Their destinies entwined, The King and the Warlord must face one another in a final, desperate battle to determine the true ruler of Karak Eight Peaks.New Legendary LordsBelagar Ironhammer, True King of The Eight PeaksAncestral heir of Karak Eight Peaks, King Belagar has a terrible and glorious destiny to fulfil. He has sworn an oath to reclaim the fallen Dwarf Hold from the Greenskin usurpers, despite the mountainous odds he faces.Karak Eight Peaks represents more than Belegar’s birthright however. In terms of prestige and wealth it is second only to Karaz-a-Karak itself, and if Belagar can reclaim it in the name of Clan Angrund, he will gain access to the ancestral tombs and the rich trove of ancient and powerful rune-weapons which lies within… Unique start-positionBelegar begins the Grand Campaign with ownership of the walled settlement of Karak Izor in Border Princes territory.Campaign bonusesWhen chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Belegar begins play with the spirits of his Ancestors as his companion Heroes. King Lunn The Ironhammer (Thane), Halkenhaf Stonebeard (Thane), Dramar Hammerfist (Master Engineer) and Throni Ironbrow (Runesmith) are Ethereal Heroes, with all the benefits the Ethereal trait provides. Belegar gains early access to the new Dwarf Rangers through the Ranger Outpost building. He also has the Siege Attacker trait, enabling him to attack walled cities without building siege equipment first. Until he captures Karak Eight Peaks however, Belegar suffers increased unit upkeep costs to his army.QuestsBelegar may embark on quests to attain his two legendary items, The Shield of Defiance, and the powerful ancestral rune-weapon The Hammer of Angrund. Skarsnik, Warlord of The Eight PeaksSkarsnik is the chieftain of the Crooked Moon Tribe, and is widely acknowledged as the most powerful Night Goblin in the World’s Edge Mountains. This reputation was earned through devious machinations, relentless spite, and a wholesale brutality rare even among his pernicious race.A vicious melee fighter in his own right, what makes him truly formidable is his favoured pet, the Giant Cave Squig Gobbla. The beast’s colossal teeth and voracious appetite make it a horrifying spectacle on the battlefield; to Gobbla, enemy units are as much a perambulating smorgasboard as a physical foe. Campaign bonusesWhen chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Skarsnik begins play with his vicious Giant Cave Squig Gobbla, who never leaves his side, and a Goblin Big Boss hero. Skarsnik also has unique skills which buff Goblin units, bring reduced upkeep costs for Goblin units, and his particularly sneaky nature means his Heroes’ actions cost less and garner greater experience gains.Skarsnik can only recruit Orcs in Karak Eight Peaks however, which he must first recapture from mutinous elements of his tribe.QuestsSkarsnik may embark upon a quest for his legendary weapon, Skarsnik’s Prodder. This vicious, halberd-style weapon is capable of unleashing an area-affect burst of powerful magic missiles. New LordsRunelordDwarfen Runelords are among the most skilled practitioners of the Runic Arts. As they lead their armies into battle, they call upon the power of these runes to invigorate friendly units and hinder their foes. Runelords also have access to a new mount; at level 6, they may unlock and ride The Anvil of Doom into battle. This unique chariot empowers the Runelord’s runic abilities and increases his damage resistance.Night Goblin WarbossSpiteful, conniving and capricious, Night Goblin Warbosses can unlock unique skills which enhance the capabilities of Goblin, Night Goblin and Squig units, and imbue their entire army with poison attacks. At level 12, they can be mounted on Great Cave Squigs, providing the Warboss with greater damage resistance, speed and attack power.New unitsCrooked MoonSquig herd War beasts, Anti-infantry, Vanguard DeploymentFound in the caves deep beneath the World’s Edge Mountains, Squigs are improbable beasts. Part fungus and part flesh with spheroid bodies and a hopping gait, one might view them from a distance as comical. In close proximity however, they are anything but. As their beady eyes fasten on a target, they bound forward pell-mell, opening their gaping maws to reveal row upon row of dagger-like teeth. Prodded into battle by their Night Goblin herders, they make a swift and vicious anti-infantry force.Night Goblin Squig HoppersCavalry, anti-infantry, Vanguard Deployment, Poison Attacks It takes a particularly unhinged individual to leap atop a Squig and ride it into battle. Fortunately, this is a defining characteristic of Night Goblins. Goaded onward by their squawking, cackling riders, such Squigs are driven at breakneck speed swifter than their unsaddled counterparts and consequently strike with renewed ferocity.Nasty SkulkersSneaky infantry, Vanguard Deployment, Stalk, Armour PiercingNobody skulks like a Goblin, and the Nasty Skulkers are the very skulkiest. Armed with razor-sharp daggers, they sneak deep into the field before a battle and lie in wait. When the time is right, they leap out and strike, causing lethal armour piercing damage before scurrying away under a confounding cloud of smoke. It’s all too easy to dismiss the average goblin as a spineless wretch, but when a Nasty Skulker springs from nowhere to land on your shoulders, it’s enough to challenge your assumptions… should you survive the encounter.Clan AngrundRangers (upgradeable with Great Weapons)Ranged/melee, fast, Vanguard Deployment, can StalkThe long-range eyes and ears of a Dwarf Throng, Rangers are accustomed to operating alone, often deep in enemy territory. Expert crossbowmen, they make superb ambushers waiting patiently for the enemy to manoeuvre into their firing lines before letting fly with a cloud of thudding bolts. Should the enemy draw close, they are well-drilled melee combatants too, especially when armed with Great Weapons.Bugman’s RangersRanged/melee, fast, Vanguard Deployment, can StalkEternal vengeance-seekers for the destruction of their master’s fabled brewery, these veteran warriors often arrive unannounced before a battle to bear grim tidings, before joining the Throng for the fight ahead. They are peerless Rangers in their own right, though the unit never travels without the fortifying power of Bugman’s most potent brews. Such liquid fortification can transform their fighting abilities.Bolt ThrowerField artillery, armour-piercingTried and true, many clans still employ the Bolt Thrower, a war machine the Dwarfs have used since the days of the Ancestor Gods. Essentially oversized crossbows, they are accurate and reliable, hurling massive, razor-sharp bolts capable of piercing even the toughest armour.New Unique building ChainThe settlement of Karak Eight Peaks offers a unique Karak Eight Peaks building chain, the benefits of which differ depending on whether it is captured by Clan Angrund or The Crooked Moon Tribe.If built by Clan Angrund, the benefits are as follows:level 1 focuses on making Karak Eight Peaks more defensible, giving unit stat bonuses when under siege.Level 2 focuses on rebuilding the Karak, giving large public order bonuses, unit experience for various units and reductions in corruption.Level 3 marks the recovery of the Ancestor Tombs, and supplies Ancestor Weapons for military units in nearby provinces, imbuing them with magical attacks. Level 3 also ramps up unit experience and public order bonuses.If built by The Crooked Moon Tribe, the benefits are as follows:Level 1 focuses on making Karak Eight Peaks unassailable, as The Tribe expects Clan Angrund to attempt to retake it. This confers a massive siege holdout time bonus and zero attrition suffered during sieges.Level 2 confers Obedience bonuses to the region and enhances unit experience for Goblins.Level 3 gives starting-level bonus experience to heroes, global experience gains for all units and reduces Dwarf morale in surrounding regions.New Dwarf Building Chain Ranger Outpost (T1) -> Ranger Barracks (T3)The Ranger chain initially provides recruitment of crossbow-wielding rangers, and later, Rangers armed with Great Weapons, and the elite Bugman’s Rangers.New Dwarf TechsVanguard Proficiency: improves melee defence and speed for Ranger unitsRat Poison: reduces factionwide corruption, improves income from mines and quarries, and keeps fabled ‘man-sized rats’ at bayNew Greenskin BuildingSquig Cages (T3)The new Squig Cages building enables recruitment of Squig Herds and Night Goblin Squig Hoppers.New techsSquig Ridin’: in concert with the Squig Cages building, unlocks recruitment of Night Goblin Squig Hoppers.Regiments of RenownThese are elite units legendary within the annals of the Old World whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue. Alongside enhanced stats and top-tier (level 9) veterancy, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not. Dwarfs:Ulthuar’s Rangers (Rangers w/Great Weapons)Decreases enemy missile deflection and resistancePeak Gate Guard (Hammerers)Magic attacks, Immune To Psychology, Sunder ArmourGob-Lobber (Grudge Thrower)Enhanced Morale, reduces target Morale on impact, screaming Goblin ammoSkyhammer (Gyrobomber)multiple bombs per dropEkrund Miners (Miners w/Blasting Charges)Frenzy, increased Blasting Charge ammoWarriors of Dragonfire Pass (Dwarf Warriors)Anti-infantry, Flaming AttacksThe Skolder Guard (Irondrakes)Armour Piercing projectiles, Physical ResistanceNorgrimling’s Ironbreakers (Ironbreakers)Vanguard Deployment, Immune To Psychology, increased unit sizeDragonback Slayers (Slayers)Charge Defence, Physical Resistance, Fire Resistance, reduces targets speed, increases target flammability The Old Grumblers (Longbeards w/Great Weapons)AOE ally Fatigue augment Greenskins:Da Rusty Arrers (Night Goblin Archers) Armour sundering ranged attacks, Poison melee attacksMoon-Howlers (Goblin Wolf Riders)FearDeff Creepers (Goblin Spider Riders) Regeneration, StalkTeef Robbers (Goblin Wolf Chariot) Vanguard Deployment, Hide In ForestMorgrub’s Mangy Marauders (Goblin Wolf Archers)Immune to psychology, Armour-piercing projectilesHammer Of Gork (Goblin Rock Lobber)Debuff to target’s Missile Accuracy Melee Defence and Melee Attack, Poison Attacks)Durkit’s Squigs (Night Goblin Squig Hoppers) Missile ResistanceDa Eight Peaks Loonies (Nigh Goblin Fanatics)Unbreakable, Dwarf-on-a-chain!Broken Tusks Mob (Orc Boar Boy Big ‘Uns) Armoured, EncourageKrimson Killerz (Black Orcs) Anti-Infantry, dual-wielding Great Weapons, AOE attacksDa Warlord’s Boyz (Night Goblins)Immune To Psychology, Sunder ArmourVenom Queen (Arachnarok Spider) Can summon spider hatchlings unit to battle